Q: What is Positive Reinforcement and why does it work?

A: Positive reinforcement (R+) is a reward-based method of training that uses reinforcers (like food or play) and operant conditioning to help dogs (and other animals!) learn.

Operant conditioning teaches us that when we reinforce a behavior it increases the likelihood it will be repeated in the future, and gives animals the opportunity to earn reinforcement through voluntary behavior. Using operant conditioning, R+ helps dogs build reliable and lasting behaviors using methods that are humane, fun, and rewarding.

Positive reinforcement trainers use safe, compassionate, and force-free methods to communicate and engage with dogs. Studies show that the use of punishment and aversives in training actually makes behavior less reliable and simply isn’t necessary for clear and effective communication. R+ does not use punishment, aversive tools, or corrections in training and it does not require physical strength, intimidation, or manipulation to “control” the animal.

Dogs who train with R+ are enthusiastic, creative, and willing learners, and build strong and trusting relationships with their humans.

R+ is an ethical, science-based training method, and can be used effectively to address anything from basic training to serious behavioral issues.

Click here to read The American Veterinary Society for Animal Behavior’s statement on reward-based training.